How to Cook Indian project - Dishes 45, 51


This week, I wanted to highlight a couple of the desserts I’ve made through this project.

Badam Pista Kulfi (Frozen dessert with almonds and pistachios - page 558)

A kulfi is a frozen dessert. It’s in-between an ice cream and a popsicle. In India, it’s often frozen on a stick and eaten like a popsicle. And apparently, there are special molds used for freezing them. However, I don’t have those molds, so I just used a silicone ice cube tray and thought that worked great!

I wasn’t sure what to expect with this recipe, I was really pleased with it! It wasn’t too sweet and I enjoyed the flavor combo of the almonds and pistachios.

Bhapa Doi (Bengali steamed dessert - page 560)

I wasn’t sure what to expect with this recipe. I had never heard of Bhapa Doi before. Apparently it’s steamed into a custard-like consistency, but is able to hold some level of form, like a flan or panna cotta. Having never done anything like this before, I was super excited that I was able to follow the recipe and get a desired result.

That said, taste-wise, I thought this dish was very sweet. Very. very sweet. I’m not sure if the sugar content is required to get the consistency right. But I wonder if instead of all condensed milk, using half of that, and half of evaporated milk, and that could create the right consistency still, but with less sweetness? I’ll have to try that one day!


Disclaimer and links: As I can’t just post the recipe from the book (I guess I don’t want to get in trouble over copyright) I am including links to similar recipes. That said, I didn’t make the linked recipes, so I can’t vouch for them. I’m only including them in case you want to make something similar, but don’t want to buy the book.

Pooja Mathur